Inside, away from you
And the wetness
You bring
I hear nevertheless
Your dance upon the pain
Unceasing droplets
As if delivered in perfect
Time to every parched thought
Every dry desire posing
Your reasons meaning nothing
For being, yet for everything
Meaning all that reason knows
My shelter is a hiding place
Away from your steady falling
Yet soaked and welcoming your touch
Arrival of the very thing
I knew all along that I needed
And wanted, running down my cheeks
Like the sweat of a lover’s passion
On warm summer night
Storming embrace consuming me
In this moment
There is you and only you
Soaking the shape of me
Becoming the outline of me
As a fish slipping through water
Purest nature breathing life
Reaching skyward for your arrival
Deliciously tasting the wet gift
Around and through my living form.