Crow Aspect
Cascading down tawny orange wall
Into shallow pool framed in grey marble
Steady sound of water colliding with water
Moving not at all, yet motion felt
Fronting waterfall stands spiral sculpture
Of thick flat steel, Hokusai’s Wave vibrates
Here in this moment and a few before
Not understanding the maw of future
Where time eats everything and nothing
You appear suddenly as if called
By a gathering storm of art
Engulfing, then flooding the senses
To balance your centered self
Transforming from human contour
Becoming shape of pure animal exuberance
Bakasana transcending
Connecting this world to a world beyond
Muscles clenched, blood surging en force
The cool water from the sculpture pool
Splashes your hands as you push downwards
Gravity aching to consume your scaffold pose
And then just as collapse draws near
Legs shoot back in swift extension
Back arching, face pushing skyward
Moments later you are gone
Sculpture now absent visitation
Murmuring echos of you fading to memory