The flamenco music
Cuts the sultry night air at Cevíche
On Beach Drive in Saint Pete
Engulfed in a crowd of strangers
In a fire burning wildly
Guitar licking against vocals
Short print dresses beckoning
Men in fine slacks and black shoes
Shoulder-length hair flowing
Low ceiling in darkened
Cellar forcing Brazilian samba
Thumping forcefully
As brass trumpet announces
A sudden escalation of energy
Dancers clap in worship
Bodies echo unceasing sampras
Hips gliding together then moving,
Apart, only to spin back
I am caught in the flow of the dance
Arms reaching for mine, as I look over
Humanity crowding small stage
Hoping to lay eyes on Latin master
Turning metal strings into heated
Rhythmic explosion
He let’s loose with cries of “Salute!”
The crowd responding in kind
As bliss reigns unchecked